How Moisture Works In Our Skin

Let's Break It Down

November 20, 2019

It’s easy to forget because we see ourselves in the mirror every day, but the skin is the largest organ of the body. Because it is our interface to the outside world, it is an incredibly dynamic complex organ.


As the skin ages, multiple processes within the skin all start breaking down leading to the loss of function and structural stability. While collagen and elastin tend to be major buzz words surrounding skin aging, many other processes are at work in the skin. Some of these impact how much water the skin can hold. The skin needs 14-30% water in order to maintain reasonable skin health, but as the skin ages, it cannot hold as much water. This is one reason why the skin becomes dry with age.


The skin needs very specific types of oil to help keep the skin barrier intact. If there is too much oil, the skin will ultimately dry out because there isn’t enough water. When water and oil are correctly balanced, it helps aging skin to function better, thereby holding off visible signs of aging longer. Utilizing products that help the skin balance the right blend of oils and proper water content allows the skin to maintain its healthy appearance with age.


Epionce Recommendation: Intensive Nourishing Cream with key ingredients of Rosa Canina Extract and Flax Extract.


Further Reading

Three Ways Your Skin Barrier Shows It Loves You

The Top Six Ways to Support Your Skin Barrier: Cold Weather Edition

3 Tips for Sticking to Your New Year Skin Care Goals

New Year, New Skin Barrier